is a site about the future of books, reading and publishing. Founded by Mitch Ratcliffe, who co-authored his first e-book in 1993 for Random House, PowerBook: The Digital Nomad’s Guide, based on the Voyager Expanded Books interactive book engine, BooksAhead will be a platform for news and discussion about publishing tools, author strategies, new books and e-books, industry news and a publishing venture that we hope will deliver some breakthrough experiences for readers and authors.
I’ve been an editor for almost as long as I have been a writer, and believe I can help writers do what they do better by giving useful feedback and actively editing. That’s where BooksAhead is headed, a different approach to publishing that begins with solid editorial guidance for writers.
Would you like to write for BooksAhead, getting the input of an experienced editor as part of your preparation for publication? If you’d like to join BooksAhead, send me email at godsdog (@) books[no-space] and let’s get started. Tell me a little about yourself, what you are interested in. If you are looking for ideas, I can help with that, too.
I know I’ve missed having an editor whenever I’ve written without one. Writers should form an editing collective, though that gets dangerously close to becoming a writing workshop. I promise to be a ruthless editor, though with that gentle interpersonal touch that justifies absolutely no payment whatsoever for your articles. Glory. It’s all about the glory of a well-written article and the inevitable notoriety that flows from publication under your own byline.
For news and other timely information, send email to mitch (at) booksahead-dot-com.
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